Errata Table
The EURO-CORDEX simulation ensemble provides a unique opportunity for assessing future climate change in Europe and its impacts. For a robust uncertainty quantification a large simulation ensemble is essential. For this reason, the EURO-CORDEX modelling groups seek to publish their completed simulations as early as possible on the ESGF. Thorough quality checks are carried out beforehand at the individual centers, but simulation deficiencies and errors of various kind cannot be ruled out.
In certain cases simulation issues are only found at a later stage by users. Their feedback on spurious issues is, hence, extremely important for the modelling centers to correct and improve their simulations and to inform other users. We'd therefore like to ask EURO-CORDEX simulation users to report any spurious issues in the EURO-CORDEX data that become apparent in their own analyses to:
Relevant issues with the EURO-CORDEX simulations will from now on be listed in a dedicated errata table
We advise users to bookmark this errata link and to frequently check the table for new issues. Major issues and simulation withdrawals will furthermore be communicated via the EURO-CORDEX users mailing list (in order to subscribe to this list, please send an email to:
Additional errata information from, e.g., individual modelling centers and the driving CMIP5 GCMs can be obtained from the following websites:
Thank you for your help and support!