EURO-CORDEX data published via ESGF
The CORDEX regional climate model (RCM) simulations for the European domain (EURO-CORDEX) are conducted at two different spatial resolutions, the general CORDEX resolution of 0.44 degree (EUR-44, ~50 km) and additionally the finer resolution of 0.11 degree (EUR-11, ~12.5km).
As of October 1, 2013, EUR-44 simulations are being published and distributed via the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) under the project name “CORDEX”. Please be aware, that right after the release date the number of available simulations is small, but it is expected to grow rapidly within the following weeks and months.
Starting from November 1, 2013, a first subset of the high-resolution EUR-11 simulations will be published and distributed via the ESGF under the same project name “CORDEX”. This subset is however qualitatively different from the full EUR-11 ensemble, since it consists of simulations exclusively conducted with one single RCM, but forced by different global climate models and emission pathways (rcp26, rcp45, rcp85). Please be aware that the analysis of simulations from one single RCM does not give a comprehensive future climate projection and we strongly advise that it is complemented by other EUR-11 ensemble members later. Starting from November 30, 2013, the initial EUR-11 ensemble is extended with simulations from other RCMs. As for the EUR-44 simulations, the number of available EUR-11 simulations right after the release date is small, but is expected to grow rapidly within the following weeks and months.
All EURO-CORDEX simulations are published under the CORDEX terms of use.
Guidance for EURO-CORDEX climate projections data use
Links to European nodes
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